Friday, May 29, 2009

What to do???

I went to the doctor yesterday and things are looking up. I'm 37+ weeks and I'm almost dialated to a 2. We're all hoping that this baby comes when Jas gets home this week! Any labor inducing suggestions? Because if he doesn't come I'll be by myself AH! Jas leaves for work again on the 8th and won't be back til the 15th. Dr. Campbell is going to California to meetings on the 10th thru the 14th! REMINDER: I'M DUE THE 15TH! So basically I'm a little scared that I'll be by myself with the on call dr when they are both gone...I've already threatened to kill dr and husband if they don't make it! I'm almost kidding. :)And the week of High School Rodeo State Finals starts the 15th. I haven't missed one of Chelsea's rodeos yet this year and I would really hate to go into labor while she is rodeoing. Pretty sure she'd lose her concentration! haha
Anyhow that the stress in my life for now. I wish I could say things will look up soon but I know better than that. Plus people keep reminding me that it doesn't get any better! Take care!


Unknown said...

Well, maybe you'll go 2 wks over like I did :) Seriously though, I wouldn't try too many of the crazy wive's tales for inducing labor, although I may be able to help ya with some other tips. In the mean time I suggest a lot of prayer-even if Jason and doc are both gone, you're never alone!

Unknown said...

i went for like a mile walk.. and started having contractions at like 4 or 5 the next morning..

Hubers said...

I haven't tried it and my child wouldn't come for nothing until they made her come, but I hear curb stepping is an excellent way to get your body to start contracting and working it's magic.. Good luck to you!!

Anonymous said...

Um....Kayla, Dear.....there isn't much you can do to make little Jas Jr. come until he is darn good and ready. Babies tend to be a little stubborn that way. Hang in there, Girlie :) It will all be ok. Love ya :)

Taryn and Cameron said...

It totally gets better, you get a baby! I am so excited for the little guy to get here! We will pray for him to cone when Jason is home! Good luck, let us know if you need anything!

ThompsonFamily said...

I am so excited for you! Maybe you'll have the baby on "come home night"! Then he will be home with you for a whole week! Thats what happened to Cooper he was 3-4 weeks early and he came on "come home night"! My water broke really early in the morning and Lathan made it to the hospital a few hours later...but dont worry I didnt have Cooper for many more hours later...Lathan ended up being awake for like 48hrs! He passed out in the hall way of the delivery room before he was I guess really I ended up doing it on my own anyways...ha ha!
I know what you are going through though...Krazy coincidence...Lathan was even in Oregon this time last year when Cooper was born...Just like they are right now!! At least they have cell phone service! That was one of my night mares (not being able to get ahold of them), becuase they didnt have service where Lathan was staying at, he had to call me when he made a special trip into town!! AHH!
Part of why my water broke may have been that I cleaned and CLEANED the whole night before he came home...maybe that will help you get the "job" done! Or even just the worry of wondering if he was going to be home when I went into labor!!
Good luck! I am worried for i will pray for ya that he will make it back...


We didn't try anything but I guess it wouldn't hurt to hump like rabbits and some nipple stimulation while Jason is home! ;) haha

Skinners said...

oh kayla !!! Just remember we have already had a "practice run" so you know how fast I can get to the hospital if you are all alone!!!! things will work out!!

Rigby Gang said...

I think also that they come when they want. With my first child it was the end of summer and I was sick and tired of being pregnant so we tried a few things like ride the really bumpy bale wagon, I even learned how to bale in the self-propelled bumpy bailer just to go into labor and none of it worked. And now after having two kids they both wouldn't come on their own so I don't know what to tell ya. Sorry I hope it all works out. I am sure whatever happens you will be taken care of. (Just don't let those P.A doctors take care of ya)Good Luck!!!!

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